
Signing our book!

Briana Lawrence  &  Jessica Walsh

Beginning in the world of fanfiction and scribbles stories between equations during class, Briana and Jessica have always been writing.  When they met in 2001 thanks to a yaoi fanfiction mailing list (of all things) it just exploded from there.  Roleplays and nightly chats turned into whole worlds with characters from their favorite shows, then into their own characters and creations. After college it only got worse (or better really) with their work being published across several mediums.

Whether you’re looking for magic in our world, positive queer voices and intelligent commentary about current media, this is your place. Just follow the links to what you’re looking for.

(For the cosplay articles we’ve written, check out our cosplay section)

Books we’ve written and contributed to:

Book 1: Amazon | Etsy (signed)
Book 2: Amazon | Etsy (signed)

Seeking the Storyteller (Book 1) – Amazon | Etsy (signed)
Beneath the Chapter (Book 2) – Amazon | Etsy (signed)

Little Creepers Horror Anthology – Amazon | Etsy (signed) | Audio book
Apex Magazine Issue 66 – Features “Whispering Waters”
The Siren’s Call – Features “Lurking Status”

Blushing Apples – Amazon
Lemon Wedges – Amazon
Mail Order Spice and Anthology – Coming Soon!

dear fatty Dear Fatty: Letters to my Younger Self – Edited by Rachelle Abellar

The Subverted Fairy Project – Edited by Michael A O’Leary Jr

Crunchyroll Essential Anime
*Briana has two essays in this book.

Out of Print Stories – To Be Rereleased Soon:
Treat Me Kindly by Briana Lawrence
Double Hue by Briana Lawrence
Voyeur-Something by Briana Lawrence
Press Start to Play by Briana Lawrence
Keeping the Cookies by Briana Lawrence
Ironbound Kisses by Jessica Walsh
Spiked and Feathered by Jessica Walsh

A big thank you to everyone who has shown support of our work! We’ve gone to a lot of conventions and have met a lot of fans.  Here are a few pictures of people who have shown love for our work. Please keep an eye on this page as we continue our travels.

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